CBSE Affiliation No.: 2132209

Pre School [Kindergarten]

Our pre school curriculum is based on age specific learning outcomes and helps children to explore their world in multiple ways. Learning as a child is made authentic and meaningful through experiences derived from students interactions with nature, people and objects.
The curriculum of the Pre-school is freely derived from the Common Minimum Programme of CBSE and NCF 2005 which is a Teaching - Learning Process.

Primary School [Grade 1 to 5]

The primary school- Class 1 to Class 5, sets the foundation of the students for the choice of subjects to come in senior classes. Their foundation in languages, mathematical ability, basic sciences and the awareness of the world around them are strengthened. Their creativity, curiosity and sporting talents are encouraged through deliberated sessions. Many team-based activities bring students together which develop team spirit and leadership qualities. Individual activities give them confidence in themselves.

Secondary & Senior Secondary School [Grade 6 to 12]

From Class 6 to 12,the school follows the CBSE pattern. The school aligns it self with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum. It is also proposed to start International ‘O’ Levels once the senior classes commence.

Why we teach

As parents and teachers we are in a completely different sphere. It’s not only ‘a responsibility’ but also what we create. A child like a small plant is nurtured, taken care of and what is taught ‘blooms’. A child follows, imitates and behaves just like the teacher. So, to instill a sense of honour, humour, humility we teach them in such a manner that they are inspired. We teach because we love children. We teach because we are committed. We teach because it’s our life. Teaching is not a profession but also a passion. “Everybody who is anybody was taught how to be somebody by a teacher” (Source is unknown). How true! We light the lamp and it keeps itself shining while lighting the path for others. A parent entrusts us with the most invaluable – their priceless child. As teachers we have the grave responsibility and tremendous power to instill in the children the values of life. As teachers we care, we share and we inspire.

What we teach

What a child requires in today’s global world is comprehensive understanding of the world’s culture to adjust and to be more humane. To understand the world’s culture one needs to be able to adapt and be adept in different world languages. A child has to be very good in the most common language- English-not only comprehend but have an essential knowledge, rich in vocabulary and comprehend. We try to develop the mind and the mental faculties are exercised regularly. The thinking skills are developed to arouse in them a passion for reading and learning. With all the accomplishments of the memory, we believe a child can achieve more if the attitude and values of life are more refined. Today’s child is exposed to a lot of negative vibrations yet she/he should be able to decide for oneself, the influence or the changes that she/he can bring about in the world by being true to oneself. We as teachers are the influence, the torch that leads the child in the right path of life. They discover their creativity within themselves and if we encourage them then they will develop their skills, may be superior to their teachers. This is the ability that a teacher possesses. We can make them to discover skills within themselves that they themselves are not aware of. We can be the instruments of inspiration and develop their sensibility to the finer aspects of life. Children develop holistically in TSS. They not only are able to comprehend and assimilate but can also communicate instinctively. Their personality develops to such an extent that they stand out in a crowd. It’s not only their attitude but also their behavior and values including life-skills. Value education becomes an imperative. We encourage curiosity. No education can be completed without being child/student oriented. The child adventures into the unknown and the teacher guides and acts as the facilitator. The child is prepared to face the world and take his/her decisions which affects not only the child or the family but also the society, nation and finally the world community after spending 12 years of his/her life.

What Teacher Say

Children are given to us - on loan- for a very short period of time.They come to us like packets of seeds, with no picture on the cover and no guranties.We do not know what they will look like ,act like or have the potential to become .Our job,like the gardener is to meet their needs best as best as we can, to give proper nourishment, love attention, caring and hope for the best. Like the catterpillars that comes hesitant to Play Group and metamorphoses to a beautiful butterfly that flies out of 10th/12th confidently unbiased, full of moral values and skills that protect him/her to safeguard, society and the country.
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